1581 map by Nicola van Sype, showing the Drake circumnavigation (1577-80) as a dotted line. Map bears the legend 'Carte veuee et corige par le dict sieur Drack' ('A map seen and corrected by the aforesaid Sir Drake').This is the earliest of the maps which show Drake's route round the world.
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SuperStock offers millions of photos, videos, and stock assets to creatives around the world. This image of 1581 map by Nicola van Sype, showing the Drake circumnavigation (1577-80) as a dotted line. Map bears the legend 'Carte veuee et corige par le dict sieur Drack' ('A map seen and corrected by the aforesaid Sir Drake').This is the earliest of the maps which show Drake's route round the world. by Everett Collection is available for licensing today.
Image Number: 4048-5383Rights ManagedCredit Line:Everett Collection/SuperStockCollection:Everett Collection Model Release:NoProperty Release:NoResolution:2550×1378
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