This group picture of most of Nazi Germany's leaders, which just became available, was made last summer at Mondorf-les-bains, in Luxemburg, then the Anglo-American jail for top-ranking German prisoners. Left to Right, Front Row: Hans Lammers; Franz Von Epp; Hermann Goering; Franz Xaver Schwarz; Otto Meissner. Second row-left to right; Joachim Von Risbentrop; Walter Funk; Ernst Bohle; Jakob Nagel; Franz Schwarz; Herbert Buechs Otto Salman. Third Row, Left to Right: Haws Frank; Hans Riecke; Karl Doenitz, Johannes Blaskowitz; Hermann Reinecke; Ernst John Von Freyend; Hans Riecke; Karl Stroelin; Alfred Jodl; Gerhard Wagner; Karl Brendt; Philipp Von Hessen; Paul Wegner (Directly behind Nagel); Walter Warlimont (Rear row, behind Wegner). October 31, 1945. (Photo by AP Wirephoto).

This group picture of most of Nazi Germany's leaders, which just became available, was made last summer at Mondorf-les-bains, in Luxemburg, then the Anglo-American jail for top-ranking German prisoners. Left to Right, Front Row: Hans Lammers; Franz Von Epp; Hermann Goering; Franz Xaver Schwarz; Otto Meissner. Second row-left to right; Joachim Von Risbentrop; Walter Funk; Ernst Bohle; Jakob Nagel; Franz Schwarz; Herbert Buechs Otto Salman. Third Row, Left to Right: Haws  Frank; Hans Riecke; Karl Doenitz, Johannes Blaskowitz; Hermann Reinecke; Ernst John Von Freyend; Hans Riecke; Karl Stroelin; Alfred Jodl; Gerhard Wagner; Karl Brendt; Philipp Von Hessen; Paul Wegner (Directly behind Nagel); Walter Warlimont (Rear row, behind Wegner). October 31, 1945. (Photo by AP Wirephoto).
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