Hospital "Ham." -- In his room at the Wahroonga Sanitorium, surgical patient Phil Edwards, amateur radios crank, holds strange little parties. Guests who live as far away as 400 miles from Sydney include a blind ex- digger of World War 1, a polio victim, a completely paralysed boy and a dairy farmer from the Clarence River district. Phil twiddles the dial of his radio transmitter and is able to tune-in and hold conversations with his "ham" friends. June 16, 1950.
SuperStock offers millions of photos, videos, and stock assets to creatives around the world. This image of Hospital "Ham." -- In his room at the Wahroonga Sanitorium, surgical patient Phil Edwards, amateur radios crank, holds strange little parties. Guests who live as far away as 400 miles from Sydney include a blind ex- digger of World War 1, a polio victim, a completely paralysed boy and a dairy farmer from the Clarence River district. Phil twiddles the dial of his radio transmitter and is able to tune-in and hold conversations with his "ham" friends. June 16, 1950. by Sydney Morning Herald is available for licensing today.
Image Number: 5513-16225260Rights ManagedCredit Line:Sydney Morning Herald/SuperStockCollection:Sydney Morning Herald Contributor:Sydney Morning Herald Model Release:NoProperty Release:NoResolution:2926×2312
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