L To R. -- C. K. Longacre, director of the Texaco company, George mann of the Mayor's reception committee, Mrs. Frank Hawks, Capt. Hawks and Major William Deegam of the depatment of plans and structures.After Record Round-Trip to HavanaCaptain Frank "Texaco" Hawks being greeted by prominent city officials after his record breaking flight to Havana and back. He left at an early hour this morning to arrive in Havana 8 hours, 8 minutes later or just about in time for the noon day meal. He beat the former record set by James Hall, by 27 minutes.He made the return flight from Havana in 7 hours and 30 minutes clipping an hour and 13 minutes from his own record and arriving in New York at nine thirty O' clock. July 23, 1931. (Photo by International Newsreel Photo)
SuperStock offers millions of photos, videos, and stock assets to creatives around the world. This image of L To R. -- C. K. Longacre, director of the Texaco company, George mann of the Mayor's reception committee, Mrs. Frank Hawks, Capt. Hawks and Major William Deegam of the depatment of plans and structures.After Record Round-Trip to HavanaCaptain Frank "Texaco" Hawks being greeted by prominent city officials after his record breaking flight to Havana and back. He left at an early hour this morning to arrive in Havana 8 hours, 8 minutes later or just about in time for the noon day meal. He beat the former record set by James Hall, by 27 minutes.He made the return flight from Havana in 7 hours and 30 minutes clipping an hour and 13 minutes from his own record and arriving in New York at nine thirty O' clock. July 23, 1931. (Photo by International Newsreel Photo) by International Newsreel Photo/Sydney Morning Herald is available for licensing today.
Image Number: 5513-18800327Rights ManagedCredit Line:International Newsreel Photo/Sydney Morning Herald/SuperStockCollection:Sydney Morning Herald Contributor:International Newsreel Photo / Sydney Morning Herald Model Release:NoProperty Release:NoResolution:2802×2250
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