The majority of Jaisalmer's inhabitants are Bhati Rajputs, who take their name from an ancestor named Bhatti, a renowned warrior when the tribe were still located in the Punjab. Shortly after this the clan was driven southwards, and found a refuge in the Indian desert, which was henceforth its home. Deoraj, a prince of the Bhati clan, is believed to be the real founder of the Jaisalmer dynasty. In 1156 Rawal Jaisal, the sixth in succession from Deoraj, founded the fort and city of Jaisalmer, and made it his capital as he moved from his former capital at Lodhruva (situated about 15 km to the north-west of Jaisalmer). The Maharajas of Jaisalmer trace their lineage back to Jaitsimha, a ruler of the Bhatti Rajput clan. The major opponents of the Bhati Rajputs were the powerful Rathor clans of Jodhpur and Bikaner. They used to fight battles for the possession of forts, waterholes or cattle. Jaisalmer was positioned strategically and was a halting point along a traditional trade route traver

The majority of Jaisalmer's inhabitants are Bhati Rajputs, who take their name from an ancestor named Bhatti, a renowned warrior when the tribe were still located in the Punjab. Shortly after this the clan was driven southwards, and found a refuge in the Indian desert, which was henceforth its home. Deoraj, a prince of the Bhati clan, is believed to be the real founder of the Jaisalmer dynasty. In 1156 Rawal Jaisal, the sixth in succession from Deoraj, founded the fort and city of Jaisalmer, and made it his capital as he moved from his former capital at Lodhruva (situated about 15 km to the north-west of Jaisalmer). The Maharajas of Jaisalmer trace their lineage back to Jaitsimha, a ruler of the Bhatti Rajput clan. The major opponents of the Bhati Rajputs were the powerful Rathor clans of Jodhpur and Bikaner. They used to fight battles for the possession of forts, waterholes or cattle. Jaisalmer was positioned strategically and was a halting point along a traditional trade route traver
SuperStock offers millions of photos, videos, and stock assets to creatives around the world. This image of The majority of Jaisalmer's inhabitants are Bhati Rajputs, who take their name from an ancestor named Bhatti, a renowned warrior when the tribe were still located in the Punjab. Shortly after this the clan was driven southwards, and found a refuge in the Indian desert, which was henceforth its home. Deoraj, a prince of the Bhati clan, is believed to be the real founder of the Jaisalmer dynasty. In 1156 Rawal Jaisal, the sixth in succession from Deoraj, founded the fort and city of Jaisalmer, and made it his capital as he moved from his former capital at Lodhruva (situated about 15 km to the north-west of Jaisalmer). The Maharajas of Jaisalmer trace their lineage back to Jaitsimha, a ruler of the Bhatti Rajput clan. The major opponents of the Bhati Rajputs were the powerful Rathor clans of Jodhpur and Bikaner. They used to fight battles for the possession of forts, waterholes or cattle. Jaisalmer was positioned strategically and was a halting point along a traditional trade route traver by David Henley/Pictures from History/Universal Images is available for licensing today.
Image Number:  1899-18853853Rights ManagedCredit Line:David Henley/Pictures from History/Universal Images/SuperStockCollection:Universal ImagesContributor:David Henley/Pictures from HistoryModel Release:NoProperty Release:NoResolution:3378×5100
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