Well, Look ***** Here! -- Lovely Alexis Smith, described as the girl with the laughing voice, makes a very welcome return to the screen after a two years' absence to star in the new republic picture The Eternal Seal. The film tells the life story of Rear-Admiral John Madison Hoskins and his wife, Sue, who sacrificed herself for her husband's career and inspired him to heroic success. Lovely Alexis Smith who is making a screen comeback in the Republic film the Eternal Sea. Alexis has not made a film for two years. Her new film tells the life story of rear-admiral John Madison Hoskins and his wife Sue. April 14, 1955. (Photo by Reuterphoto).
SuperStock offers millions of photos, videos, and stock assets to creatives around the world. This image of Well, Look ***** Here! -- Lovely Alexis Smith, described as the girl with the laughing voice, makes a very welcome return to the screen after a two years' absence to star in the new republic picture The Eternal Seal. The film tells the life story of Rear-Admiral John Madison Hoskins and his wife, Sue, who sacrificed herself for her husband's career and inspired him to heroic success. Lovely Alexis Smith who is making a screen comeback in the Republic film the Eternal Sea. Alexis has not made a film for two years. Her new film tells the life story of rear-admiral John Madison Hoskins and his wife Sue. April 14, 1955. (Photo by Reuterphoto). by Reuterphoto/Sydney Morning Herald is available for licensing today.
Image Number: 5513-16348062Rights ManagedCredit Line:Reuterphoto/Sydney Morning Herald/SuperStockCollection:Sydney Morning Herald Contributor:Reuterphoto / Sydney Morning Herald Model Release:NoProperty Release:NoResolution:1765×2430
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