All in a day’s work. ‘Occupation’ images that really ring true.
You’ll know the value of images showing credible people in the workplace. They feel right. People connect with them more strongly because they see themselves in the pictures; how they dress, how they work, the jobs they do, their work environment, their workmates and so on. They connect on an emotional level. That’s the value of good stock imagery.
The pictures may show real people, they may show models – but consumers will connect with the imagery even if the occupation shown is a million miles from theirs. Whether it is heavy industry, artisan start-up, factory workers or office workers, the common threads that run through the best images are a believability along with concepts like Expertise, Collaboration, Pride, Communication, Creativity, Teamwork and Knowledge.
Visual cues draw you in; the composition, the colour palette, things like the model’s body language (natural, unposed) their ethnicity and age. And their clothing feels right – individual and ‘lived in’. In other words, the models themselves look like they really belong in the workspace that’s being photographed.
That workspace is new too. It’s called anywhere. Technology has ensured that people can work any time, any place – on the move, in cafes, at home, on railway platforms – you name it.
Traditional offices still feature though – but entrepreneurs, start-ups, craftsmen and women increasingly access shared, connected workspaces from which to run their individual and unique businesses. This is also reflected in less formal clothing, where what looks like the intern in a hoodie chatting by the water cooler may actually be the CEO.
Diverse ethnicities better reflect real life, as many advertisers’ marketing shows. The same goes for senior women in management roles. And also non management roles, showing seniors coming back to the workplace in second careers.
Professional and personal lives are starting to blur. Everyone’s workday is becoming a boundaryless, 24/7 experience, and whilst work is technology-driven, it still has a human face that consumers relate to. Showing how people work together, what customer service looks and feels like, the buzz of a start-up or how innovative or sustainable the business is.
Browse the collection below to discover images showing the real aspects of the workplace. Images with a local feel and global appeal.